Department for Education: privacy notice for academy trust data collections

Last updated: April 2023
Date of next review: April 2024
We might make changes before the review date. Check regularly for updates.

This privacy notice explains how the Department for Education (DfE) uses personal information in academy trust data collections. This includes information you give to us, or information that we may collect about you.

We receive your personal data from the online forms you complete. This is part of the information telling us how your Trust budgets and spends its money.

The aim for this project is to provide an online service for Trusts to send their financial data to the department.

This is a requirement from the H M Treasury to account for the spending of public funds.

Why we get your personal data

When we collect and use this information, we need to follow the law. The main laws are the Data Protection Act (DPA) and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The DfE is the data controller for your personal data. We must have a reason to collect your personal data. This is called a ‘lawful basis’.

We can use these lawful basis to process your personal data. For the purpose of this project, the relevant condition is;

What we need

We will collect the following types of personal information for this project;

Why we need it and what we do with it

We collect and process your personal information to:

We use AppInsights software to collect information about how you use the Academy Trust Data Collections.

AppInsights processes information about:

We will not combine analytics information with other data sets in a way that would identify who you are.

How long we keep it

The Department for Education will only keep your personal information for as long as we need it. We decide how long to keep your personal information based on the needs of the department and the law. We will keep your information for up to twelve months.

We will take necessary steps to keep your information safe. It will then be securely destroyed when it is no longer needed.

Do we use any data processors?

A data processor is an organisation that processes your information on DfE’s behalf.

No, we do not use data processors for our activities.

Do we transfer your personal information overseas?

When DfE stores personal information outside the UK, we will make sure we keep your personal data safe. We follow the data protection law. We also use extra security measures, contracts and data sharing agreements.

Do we share your personal information?

If the law allows it, we might share your personal information with other parts of DfE including the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and with other government departments.

We will share your personal information with:

DfE may share your personal information to:

The DfE Personal Information Charter gives you more information on how we use your personal information.

What are your rights

You have rights about how and why your information is collected and used.

These include:

For more information on your rights, please see the ICO website.

Finding out what information we have

You have the right to ask for access to your personal information. This is known as a subject access request (SAR).

To make a SAR, you can use the DfE contact form.

Or you can post your request to the Data Protection Office at the above address.

Include as much information as you can about the information you need. Include the years you need the information for. If possible, tell us which part of the department holds the information. You’ll also need to tell us your telephone number and address.

We may need to check your identity and your right to access the information you’re requesting. To check your identify, we may ask for a copy of your passport, photo driving licence or proof of your address.

We’ll try to respond to your request within one month. But, if your request is complex, this could take a further two months, but we’ll tell you if this is the case.

How to contact us or make a complaint

If you have a question, or feel your data has been mishandled, you can contact us by:

using our secure DfE contact form

or writing to:

Emma Wharram
Data Protection Officer
Department for Education (B2.28)
7 & 8 Wellington Place
Wellington Street

You can also complain to the ICO by writing to:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113. Or use the online ICO contact form